Fibre Pre-Terms (2 products)


Pre-Terminated Multi-Core Fibre Cables Made to Your Specification.Made &...

Connectix have developed a cost effective pre-terminated cabling system called OPAL™ (Optical Pre-Assembled Link) which is completely based around standard networking products. The system allows a fibre optic network to be installed in a fraction of the time taken by conventional on-site direct termination or fusion splicing. It requires no special installation skills or equipment, and can therefore be installed by non-specialist personnel, vastly reducing the installation cost.The system consists of standard internal/external tight buffered... More Info

3 - 5 day lead time
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Pre-Terminated Multi-Core Fibre Cables Made with either SWA or CST Loose Tube...

Connectix have developed a cost effective pre-terminated cabling system called OPAL™ (Optical Pre-Assembled Link) which is completely based around standard networking products. The system allows a fibre optic network to be installed in a fraction of the time taken by conventional on-site direct termination or fusion splicing. It requires no special installation skills or equipment, and can therefore be installed by non-specialist personnel, vastly reducing the installation cost.The system consists of SWA or CST armoured loose tube fibre... More Info

3 - 5 day lead time
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Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items